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news - 31/05/2008
Wolves - Dogs – Humans  -  Austria

dogs breeders dog pictures by Paul Cech
Wolves - Dogs – Humans A new Wolf Science Center focusses at the secrets of this old triangle A new “Wolf Science Center”, WSC ( has been established in the Austrian Cumberland Game Park in June 2008, by three high-profile researchers in the area of social complexity and cognition, Kurt Kotrschal, PhD, Univ. Vienna prof. and director Konrad Lorenz Research Station,; Friederike Range, PhD, Univ. Vienna biologist and Zsofia Viranyi, PhD, Eötvös Univ. Budapest and Konrad Lorenz Institute biologist. This long-term project has three goals, 1. Comparative, experimental research into the socially embedded cognitive and cooperative abilities of wolves and dogs. This research will not consider wolves and dogs as “subjects” but respect them as partners. 2. To set new standards of wolf keeping and 3. Educating the public about wolves, dogs and their relationships with humans.

Wolves are still special in the eyes of many. They are among a

handful of “magic” animals which have fascinated particularly northern

hemisphere people ever since. Once the “friends”, “brothers” and

mediators to the spiritual world of hunter-gatherers, they have turned

into foe, hunted to extinction in many areas. Even in modern societies,

the wolf is emotionally and symbolically loaded. Wolves are not the

least the forefathers of the domestic dog, our closest and most

important animal companion. Wolves in the form of dogs may even have

accompanied the out-of-Africa spread of modern /Homo sapiens/, over more

than 50 000 years. Dogs have acquired many so many different roles in

the company of humans. They have been bred and trained for many

different purposes, indicating their great flexibility, adaptability and

cooperative abilities. Therefore, understanding how wolves “tick” and

how they manage to organize their complex cooperation within the pack is

the base for understanding dogs and even may shed substantial light on

the human nature.

Do dogs still they still think and operate in a wolf-like way when

solving problems, learning and cooperating with humans? In what ways

have they changed in comparison with wolves? Many assume that dogs have

lost some cognitive skills and independent problem solving abilities

because they manage to engage humans as assistants and trouble shooters.

This contrasts with wolves, which still have to cope with the challenges

of the wilderness and do not seem to consider humans as partners even

when hand raised. Others, however, belief, that domestication made dogs

more sensitive to humans than wolves ever could be. Consequently, dog

behaviour is more often determined by human behaviour than by their

attendance to, and reasoning on, physical causality.

Previous research at the Eötvös University Budapest or at the MPI for

Anthropology, Leipzig, has opened first windows into the minds and

wolves and dogs. Indeed, understanding of dog behaviour is rapidly

increasing. However, the complimentary wolf data are largely lacking.

Consequently, the main goal of the WSC is to pursue this comparison and

in particular, to understand which role the social relationships within

wolves or dogs, or the relationship between them and humans, will have

on their cognitive and cooperative development and performance. Hence,

the WSC will focus series of tests and experiments at the specific

dispositions in wolves and dogs, and how dyadic social relationships

(wolf-wolf, dog-dog, human-wolf and human-dog) will affect performance.

In practice, Canadian grey wolf pups are hand-raised at the WSC from day

ten on, in sibling groups and in the controlled company of dogs, which

assume the roles of “social educators”of the developing wolves. During

development, pups are continuously tested and are trained to perform

well in the necessary handling and testing routines. This procedure will

provide socially intact wolves which will later engage in a normal pack

life in their big enclosures and at the same time still cooperate in the

WSC research activities and also, cope well with the zoo conditions. In

2008 four pups from Herberstein/Styria are raised, for 2009 it is

planned to raise 8 pups of Canadian origin. Finally, 2 packs of at least

8 animals each shall be assembled from these different bloodlines.

Comparisons with dogs will be done at the “Clever Dog Lab”

( and via a pack of sledge

dogs which shall be kept at the WSC under comparable conditions than the

wolves. Packs will be kept in enclosures of 6000m2 and individuals will

be tested on a daily and weekly base. As a principle, participation of

individuals n the tests will be voluntary. Also, the testing schedule

will include the simulation of social hunting and thereby, may set new

standards in the zoo keeping of wolves. Hence, participating in the WSC

science program will also substantially benefit the well-being of the

partner wolves and will be considerable fun for the participating dogs

and their owners or trainers. The necessary funding will come from

private sponsors and from competitive research grants. The WSC has the

ambition to develop into one of the leading wolf research institutions

over the next 10 years.

The results of these studies will help to put dog training on a firm

scientific basis, to provide a better understanding of human-dog

companionship, and to support educated decisions in the area of animal

assisted therapy and animal assisted activities.

Kurt Kotrschal



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Photo-Credits: Wolf Science Center

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