news - 02/11/2021
World Dog Show 2021 BRNO day 4 & BIS - Czech Republic
by Karl Donvil
FCI World Dog Show BRNO 2021 (Czech Republic)
The last big event in the world of Dog Shows in Europe was Crufts 2019. By then rumors were already circulating for days that a big pandemic was finding its way to Europe and the whole world. After many months and numerous victims, and during which most of the dog shows were canceled, the first signs of relief were showing. Most people in Europe proved to be vaccinated and that was the main condition to start thinking again on dog shows. Important shows, like the FCI World and European Dog Shows were not canceled but rescheduled, like Madrid. The World Dog Show of Brno however, was not one that was rescheduled but planned for 2021. But anyway, it proved to be a risky choice as the Government Of the Czech Republic had to be persuaded that a big show like this, attracting lots of people from many different countries, could happen within the strict rules of Covid prevention, in other words, ffp2-masks, social distancing, etc. This was of utmost importance as the show should go on indoors. Outdoors the rules were not that strict and the wearing of masks was advised but not necessary. Until the last days before the show, things remained unsure, and communication was very limited. The judges' list was subjected to numerous changes as some could not or were not allowed to come in the end and the people of the press could not be informed about how the show would look like, one with time schedules, with a regular main ring and normal finals, etc...? It was pure horror, as we needed to book planes, trains, hotels, and last minute could prove to become very expensive, and most of all, a strong suspicion rose that the show would even be canceled. However, as the date of the event got closer, rumors reached us that the show would probably become a rather regular one like we were used to, and finally, 4 days before the show, we finally were officially informed. The whole situation certainly affected the number of entries. There were hardly any Russians as they had serious difficulties for leaving the country and that weighed heavily on the final number of entries. Russia, and especially in Czechia, would have had a big impact on the total number of entries. In the end, 12.161 entries proved not too bad, but the president of the Czech Kennel Club had expected at least 20.000 in normal circumstances. I have no idea if that would be enough to cover the basic expenses for renting the halls and setting up everything, but I suppose that the managers of the halls would have given a discount, better than to have no rent at all. That counted probably for the trade stand holders too and the sponsors. I had the impression that it was all a little more modest than we were used to. On Wednesday prior to the start of the World Dog Show, there was a CACIB show and that allowed many foreign exhibitors to obtain extra CACIB titles and eventually finish their Czech Championship or Grand Championship. The total entry for this show was 3161 dogs.
The Czech Kennel Club organized already a World Dog Show in 1966 and another one in 1990. In 2014 they were hosting the European Dog Show. They certainly have build up a lot of experience. And yes, they managed again to organize another very nice show, especially with all the COVID restrictions in mind. They dared to take this high risk and succeeded with a glance. The show took place in the second-largest city of the country, Brno, about 200km further to the southeast of Praag, nearby the border to Slovakia. The city has about 400.000 citizens, but its expo halls are vast, modern, and practical. They can host a show with easily double as many participants then this year's COVID-edition. The show took 4 days, 5 if we take the CACIB also into account. On the first day, we saw still about 10 % of the people wearing masks, but on day 2 it changed into hardly 0.1%. No trace of social distancing any longer and I had the impression that COVID never happened. I did not see and COVID safe checkpoints, but people confirmed that samples were regularly taken at the entrance. Maybe that is probably why the COVID measurements were not followed so strictly. Fortunately, due to the very nice, sunny, and perfect weather for an event like this, the doors of the halls were mostly open and people liked to walk outside in the open. Inside there was no social distancing at all and crowded like on any other show of this size.
4 Halls were used for showing, the two biggest for the WDS, a smaller one for the club specials and another for more club specials plus the indoor trade stands. The small halls were very dark inside and your eyes had to adjust to the darkness before you were able to follow the judging in the rings. Outside, in between the two biggest halls, was a kind of street with more trade stands and many Food, snack, and coffee stands were spread around the halls. Thanks to the large parking areas around the halls and nothing was very far away. One thing was a fact, it was very clean everywhere! As I did not see any cleaning service -maybe I didn't notice- I suppose that all the people were very disciplined! It makes such a big difference!
Hall F was reserved for the breed stands, offices, and of course for the very large main ring. Along the long sides, we found the stairs on one side and opposite to the podium, on the short sides we found the entrance and exit, left and right from the huge black curtain and opposite, the VIP and Press seats. They proved far from ideal due to a difficult angle to take good photos. On general request, it was changed from day two and the Press could take a seat at the bottom of the stairs. These could have been larger as it was as good as full every single day while the exhibitors blocked the ways out of the halls and that was not the safest situation in case of an emergency. The podium was very nice and tasteful, well lit, and what I liked most of all were the professional ring stewards who kept very strict to the only allowed way to make the dogs run. One judge tried to do it his way but without success. He was corrected immediately. For the photographers, it was a blessing. That is one of the advantages of Media streaming, no chaos, but fixed scenarios! Another advantage was the strict timing and thanks to that, the show ended every day perfectly in time.
There was very little animation and the ceremonial parts were kept very short. Every day the finals started with a presentation of the national breeds. Czechia has 6 National breeds of which only 2 are officially recognized by the FCI. The others are still waiting for it. There is the wire-haired pointing dog, the Cesky Fousek, a dog with lots of similarities to the German Pointer and the wire-haired Weimaraner. More famous is the Cesky Terrier. The Chodsky Pes is a modern breed, a black and tan longhaired kind-of-shepherd, very versatile, and a good family dog. This breed is only provisionally recognized by this FCI. That counts also for the Prague Rattier, a company dog comparable but smaller and lighter than the Miniature Pinsher. Not recognized are the Czech Mountain Dog and the Czech Spotted Dog. The first one is bred to pull sleds in the mountains but is also a nice companion and used for different tasks like Search and Rescue. Its size is comparable to a Golden Retriever. He has large colored plates, black or brown, on a white background. It is also a recent breed. That counts certainly for the Bohemian (Czech) Spotted Dog, a dog that was bred for laboratory purposes - whatever this means- in the late fifties, resulting in a tricolored dog, medium size, with dropped ears and they can be smooth or feathered. He looks smart and independent, with rather ordinary looks (with all respect), like the ones we see a lot on farms. Let's not forget a seventh breed, the Czechoslovakian Wolf Dog, a dog that also belongs to Slowakia. This is a very popular breed nowadays, a result of breeding Dogs with Wolfs and it looks very much like a European wolf. 118 Of them were entered for the show. It is an FCI recognized breed too. This dog is versatile and not shy like the Saarloos Wolfdog. Czechia seems to have many modern breeds and I wonder if there is a coïncidence with the fact that Brno is the city where the father of modern genetics worked and died, Gregor Mendel.
The carpet in the main ring was bright and that was nice, but the logo of the WDS2021 was printed large and covered the center of the main ring. Several of the dogs were disturbed when they passed alongside and some even jumped to the side, especially the puppies and juniors. The very large podium was brightly lit and tastefully decorated with orchids on both sides and nothing in front of the dogs. The large numbers from 1 to 5 were lit from inside. The biggest part of the judging happened on the opposite side of the judges. It could have been more in the center of the ring, but apparently, nobody complained. Two nicely dressed ladies did the presentation, one in Czech, the other in English. Some point of attention is the sound that was often much too loud, in the first place for the dogs. We should keep that more in mind, dogs hear so much better than we!
Notwithstanding the traveling problem caused by the pandemia, 53 nationalities were entered according to the catalog. If they were all there is hard to tell. Anyway, this is far from bad. The majority of the entries were local, 4928! That is almost half of the total entries. It was very strange that only 462 entries were coming from Slowakia, the neighboring country that was once united in Czechoslovakia. Poland came next in numbers with 1369 entries, followed by Italy with 1113, Germany with 638, and Hungary with 528. Only 26 dogs were entered from the United Kingdom and 11 from the United States. There were even dogs entered from as far as Mexico, with 8, Peru with 7, Australia with two and even two from Ethiopia, one from the Philippines, and one from Argentina. Only 156 dogs were entered by Russia, far below to what we are used to, and this made a big difference in the total number of entries. Russia usually sends in several hundreds of dogs more.
As I already mentioned, a lot of judges canceled or were canceled due to the lower entries. In total 125 judges were invited in the end and 48 of them were from the Czech Republic, plus another 15 from Slowakia. The remaining ones were all coming from 18 European countries, plus 3 from the UK. In the main ring, it was clear that the majority of judges were Czech judges, especially the more important judgings like the FCI Groups and Junior classes. A look into the catalogs learns that in general, the judges were well charged with dogs, and several had largely over 100 in their ring. The exhibitors' list was not according to the modern EU GDPR rules as their complete address was mentioned. I think the exhibitors don't mind, it is an ideal way to find them if you are interested in a breed or a single dog. A look at the breeds learns me that 300 different breeds were showed. The most popular was the Dachshund in all its 9 varieties with 494 of them, followed by the Poodle, also in its different colors and varieties in size, with 272 entries and that counts also for the Zwergschnauzers, 234, the German Spitzes, 214, and the Great Danes, 205. The real first breed is the Golden Retriever with 203 specimens and from then on a long list of common and popular breeds follows. It is interesting to see that some breeds became more common like the Porcelaine, the Hokkaido, and the Shikoku each with 11 of each present. I was very pleased to see a Poitevin win Group 6. It is a French breed, living in large packs of 30 and more and used for the long hunt. It is a very elegant large dog and seldom seen on shows outside France. Of course, like in any World Dog Show or European Dog Show, you always find a lot of very rare breeds, and the list is rather long. Better is to come and see yourself.
This show made history as the first post-pandemic FCI World Dog Show. At first, I was very upset and frustrated about the lack of information about how the show would look and would be organized. But once I was there, I could not but admire the Czech Kennel Club for the many difficulties they faced and had to overcome and how they managed in the end. This was a really good show, one like we were used to. Certain things were rather basic, others outstanding, but everything was there, what more can one want.
Congratulations to the Organisation and the Czech Kennel Club!
Text, photos, and results (corrections)
Best Group (3)
1. 12676 | Bahaticca\'s | Basenji
PHOTO _75D4337
2. 12660 | Vaskurs | Pharaoh Hound
PHOTO _75D4326
3. 12684 | Zuma?s | Pug
PHOTO _75D4339
Best Couple (3)
1. Dollbabies Mishka Make My Day & Marscha Melt my Hearth | Papillon Phalène | Fraimane Ilze
PHOTO _75D4217, PHOTO _75D4309
2. Belissimo Bravo Emperor Carlos & Coconutlove Take It All S Lipetskih Ozer | Chihuahua Pelo Corte | Jancina Magdalena
PHOTO _75D4281, PHOTO _75D4306
3. ??? | Siberian Husky | ????
PHOTO _75D4295, PHOTO _75D4304
Minor Puppies (3)
1. 10193 | Jared Leto Wood Mark | Siberian husky | Aurélie Valentin
PHOTO _75D3828, PHOTO _75D3846
2. 11917 | Jenstar's Muckefuck | Toy Poodle Brown| Jennifer Starke
PHOTO _75D3808, PHOTO _75D3837
PHOTO _75D3832, PHOTO _75D3836
1. 11024 | Mäneskin | Valar Dohaeri’s | Bouledogue Français | Carlotta Ranieri
PHOTO _75D4045, PHOTO _4130
2. 9306 | Senseo The World Is Mine | American Akita| Heidi Thomson
PHOTO _75D4055, PHOTO _75D4131
3. 10017 | Samspring Fire on Fire | Samojed | Pedro Britto
PHOTO _75D4088, PHOTO _75D4126
Veterans (3)
1. 10068 | Dorian Spring Charleen Lumiere De La Vie | Samojed | Pedro Brito
2. 11886 | Ti La Shu Regalia Angel On Fire | Tibetan Terrier| Sabine & Katja Rauhut
3. 10312 | Kimberly Vendredi 13 | Siberian Husky | Vladimír a Iva Kinclovi
FCI Group V. (5)
1. 9771 | DAN STAR KOM Baron Barri | Pomeranian | Lyudmila Komyakova
PHOTO _75D5429, PHOTO _75D5508
2. 10120 | KYUKIN GO Tokaido Kensha | Shiba | Loretta Nani
PHOTO _75D5409, PHOTO _75D5502
3. 9908 | Quba Calva Abukantos Pazzda | Perro Sin Pelo del Peru Mediano | David Gerstendörfer
PHOTO _75D5459, PHOTO _75D5501
4. 9095 | Naruhito Amber Yule | Akita | Kristine Neimane
PHOTO _75D5182, PHOTO _75D5497
5. 9508 | Hjelme Easy Lover | Chow-chow Red & Others | Stine Hjelme
PHOTO _75D5259, PHOTO _75D5488
FCI Group IX. (5)
1. 11390 | SHUT UP AND KISS ME DELL'ALBERICO | Lhasa Apso | Stefano & Franco Paolantoni & Prosperi
PHOTO _75D5734, PHOTO _75D5822
2. 12119 | Gortier Unstoppable Me | Poodle Black | Henna Pekkola
PHOTO _75D5706, PHOTO _75D5813
3. 11647 | Sunrise Dragon LION KING | Pekingese | Maciej Sowiński
PHOTO _75D5789, PHOTO _75D5804
4. 11521 | Planet Waves Forever Young Daydream Believers | Papillon 2,5kg | Roosens Kathleen
PHOTO _75D5761, PHOTO _75D5811
5. 10977 | A'vigdors Messius | Bouledogue Français | Patrick Borde
PHOTO _75D5775, PHOTO _75D5805
Junior FCI Group V. (3)
1. 9174 | Shamanrock U Can Expect To Be Free | Alaskan Malamut | Kateřina Seidlová
PHOTO _75D4939, PHOTO _75D4903
2. 9788 | DAN STAR KOM Dream my EVA | Pomeranian | Lyudmila Komyakova
PHOTO _75D4862, PHOTO _75D4925
3. 9919 | Pandora Cederikon | Perro sin Pelo del Peru Grande| Denisa Závišková
PHOTO _75D4886, PHOTO _75D4936
Junior FCI Group IX. (3)
1. 10911 | Fuji No hana S Lipetskih Ozer | Chihuahua Shorthaired | Luisa Miele
PHOTO _75D5080, PHOTO _75D5174
2. 11595 | ZuMa’s Unique Dezign For Adeltand | Mops/Pug| Charlotte Nielsen
PHOTO _75D5126, PHOTO _75D5167
3. 11525 | Nightfire's Very special Bet | Papillon 2,5kg | Yvonne Weber
PHOTO _75D5135, PHOTO _75D5159
BIS Veterans
1. 10068 | Dorian Spring Charleen | Samojed | Pedro Britto
PHOTO _75D5900
2. 8971 | Jesrae Game Of Thrones | Whippet | Jan Willem Akkerboom- van der Schaaf
PHOTO _75D5893
BIS Junior
1. 9174 | Shamanrock U Can Expect To Be Free | | Alaskan Malamut | Kateřina Seidlová
PHOTO _75D5942, PHOTO _75D6090
2. 93 | Austrian Dream Nothing Else Matters | Australian Shepherd | Philipp Harrer
PHOTO _75D5914, PHOTO _75D6082
3. 4728 | Ajax Hunting Magic | German Pinter Shorthaired | ROK PLOH
PHOTO _75D6027, PHOTO _75D6072
BIS (3)
1. 3031 | L'End Show Metti Surprise At Glare | Bedlington Terrier | Elena Pykhtar
PHOTO _75D6235, PHOTO _75D6359
2. 11390 | SHUT UP AND KISS ME DELL\'ALBERICO | Lhasa Apso | Stefano & Franco Paolantoni & Prosperi
PHOTO _75D6191, PHOTO _75D6362
3. 2087 | Almarxils Tuatara | Miniature Dachshund Wirehaired | Noel Garrigós Mateo
PHOTO _75D6238, PHOTO _75D6373