news - 30/12/2022
Budapest EC 2021 - Hungary
by Karl Donvil
Covid, Covid, causes lots of difficulties, especially for organizing big events. A variant of it, Omnicron, discovered only a few weeks before the show, was announced as a very aggressive mutation, mainly in spreading the virus. The Budapest European Dog Show, originally planned for Mai 2021 was already postponed and was again facing a new threat! Would there be another postponing coming up? Fortunately, new restrictions were not issued yet, except for a few countries, and Hungary would still welcome visitors on condition that they had a COVID-safe passport and wearing a mask was imperative.
I was also worried what the impact of the new date would be on the number of entries. The Budapest Grand Prix Winner Show and the FCI European Dog Show were scheduled from 28 December till December 31! Wasn't this very risky, right after Christmas till New Year's eve? It proved not in the end, for the Winner 4151 dogs were entered, and for the European, as many as 10801 dogs were on schedule. Of course, we will never know what the result would have been if there was no Covid to take into account. Shure, a lot of people would hesitate to spend all that money to make the trip and book a hotel if the possibility is there that the show should be canceled. And probably a part would prefer not to travel that far risking ice and snow on the roads or missing the best winter days in family. But on the other hand, many would also see it as an opportunity to combine a big dog show with a winter city trip to Budapest in Christmas decoration. Anyway, almost 11000 dogs is not bad at all. Of course, the number of entries for the European, the Winner, and all the Specialty show together will probably outnumber 20.000.
The Winner show was good for 4151 dogs and offered an extra opportunity to finish the Hungarian Champion title. This show lasted very long and finished only around 9 PM. That is not a good start for those that had to show their dog the next day and still had to wash and groom them. Most dogs were entered for the European Dog Show and they came from no less than 58 different countries as far as Brasil, New Zealand, Canada, Peru, Japan, and Argentina. The majority, however, were from countries in Europe. 3153 dogs were Hungarian dogs, 927 came from Poland, 986 from Italy, 785 from Russia, a lot more than for the World Show in Brno where there were only 156, Czechia and Slovakia had 1002 entries, Ukraine 438, Serbia 417 and Romania 378. Finland had 260 dogs entered, Spain 172, and France 190. There was a lockdown in the Netherlands and that might be the explanation that only 65 dogs were entered. The United Kingdom was good for 33 dogs, Mexico for 6, Australia for 4, and the United States for 11? But entering a dog is one thing, showing a dog is another thing, especially the last two years. It is clear anyway, after questioning several judges, that there was a significant increase of absent dogs with 10 to 20%, more exact numbers were not to be found as the results were only limited to the dogs who won a title like BOB, BOS, Junior Winner, etc. The Pandemia also caused continuous changes in the Judges' list and that can also make exhibitors hesitate to enter their dog until the very last moment or not at all. Yes, we must admit that organizing a show of this size is quite a perilous and risky business. But in the end...we had another well-organized big European Dog Show.
The Hungarian Kennel Club has already a long tradition of organizing events of this size. In 2008 they organized the FCI European Dog Show for the first time, and in 2013 they were granted the honor to hold the FCI World Dog Show. Every time it happened in the very same location, Hungexpo, a big complex of event halls on the outside of Budapest. It is a very nice area for a show of this size, with plenty of parking around. The two main halls a very huge and the hall where most of the rings were located was very bright inside. Everything inside and outside gave a clean impression all day long. Compared to previous editions, the number of trade stands, in- and outside the halls was very limited and came from largely over 100 to about only 20 now plus some small stands outside, mainly providing food and local stuff for sale. In mid-winter having a trade stand is risky. It is not cheap to hire a place and to know that if the weather is bad, there will be hardly any visitors and with all the "if's" in mind it could easily result in a serious loss. Fortunately, the weather was dry, cold but fine, but nobody was able to predict it weeks before the event when the booking should be made. Royal Canin was the main sponsor and was dominantly present in every hall. The rings were of average size and in between the rings the space was sometimes very crowded and with Covid in mind sometimes somewhat frightening. Fortunately, contrary to the World Dog show of Brno, wearing of the masks was very well followed. Only from time to time, there were some clusters of people who did not follow the rules correctly, but in general, it was OK. If this had to do with the Organization, the discipline of the exhibitors, or the fear for the new Omicron wave, is hard to tell.
A minor point was the catalog. Catalogs are no longer given to every exhibitor, they can now consult a digital one online. If you want a printed catalog you have to order it extra and pay for it. The catalog itself was not very easy to use. Looking for a breed was very confusing. There was no alphabetical breed list. If you were looking for a certain breed and where to find it, you had to look at the list of judges, which means, you had to look at all of them in detail, unless it was a judge listed on top. And to make it more complicated, the judges were not ordered alphabetically, but according to the ring number! Furthermore, under their names the breeds were listed in Hungarian on the left and in English on the right, but only if there was a different English translation of the breed name. When I was looking for the ring of the Hovawarts, assisted by someone to help me, it took us quite a long time before we understood the system as we were looking only on the right side of the page in the opinion that every breed was mentioned in Hungarian AND in English. But Hovawart was the same in both languages and thus mentioned only on the left so we overlooked it several times. As if that was not enough, there was no indication at all where the breed could be found in the catalog! The first list was useless in fact as I was forced to turn page by page until I found the page with the breed I was looking for and the separation of the breeds was not very clearly defined, only in a bold and slightly larger font, without clear separations with spaces or lines. It also surprised me that the ring stewards worked the old way, writing down everything on paper and not using tablets. That is probably the reason why we can only find the main results online, the CACIB's, ResCACIB', Junior European Champion, etc. It would probably cause too much trouble to fill out everything online and that is also why I can only estimate the rate of absentees by questioning the judges. Another thing was the lack of translation into English, at least on the signs. It is surprising that even nowadays, so many young people do not understand, let be speak proper English. I came by public transport to the showground every day and especially the first day I was lost in the area. Not only did they give me wrong directions, but nobody seemed to know that there was a very big and very international Dog Show in their town and I wonder what impact this had on the number of visitors.
The main ring was situated in Hall G, the second largest one. Alike in Brno there were only very few rings inside, reserved for breed clubs, specialties, and Junior Handling. the company "P1 Dog Shows" was hired to organize the main ring and everything around it. This is a very specialized crew from the Czech Republic that consists of a professional live stream camera crew and has its own digital background, including a podium with large panels showing the group that is on turn, the name of the judge, and the flag of his nationality. They have their own ring stewards with strict orders, also serving as security when needed, and the whole show is professionally presented by a lovely lady in gala-outfit, translating the comments of her Hungarian presenter in English. It is not the first time that I see this team working and it seems that they get better and more complete every time again. We will probably see them again in Paris. Unfortunately, the setup of the main ring was not ideal for us, reporters, and photographers. When the dogs entered the main ring, they entered on our side and that prevented us to take good moving shots as they were too close to us. Hungarians are a very proud people and that showed off in the main ring, where long speeches were held with much protocol. Everybody can tolerate a speech, even two, but too long and too often... It would have been better to insert more entertainment and there are enough canine disciplines that qualify for this. Besides that there were a lot of categories to be judges too, like "Minor Puppies" and "Puppies", "World Cup Hungarian Breeds Junior BIS", World Cup of Hungarian Breeds BIS", "Best Hungarian Shepherd Dog", "Best Hungarian Hunting Dog", "Interra Junior BIS", "Interra BIS", etc. But, fortunately, as every item of the program was strictly timed, the 3 days of the European Show ended well in time, even the last day, New Year's eve. But of course, a dog show day is usually already a very long day, and exhibitors want to go home in time, often awaiting a very long journey home and visitors need to go home for dinner and that shows off when you look at the stairs that get more empty by the minute once 6 o'clock has passed. My advice is, don't overdo things, mix with more entertainment, and schedule less in a more acceptable timetable where 6 o'clock is a perfect hour to finish things unless you can offer the public as much entertainment as at Crufts.
Minimum 156 judges were scheduled and from 37 different countries. I have no idea if different judges were invited for the Winner and the specialties as usual judges for the European also judge different breeds in the specials. 156 Is a lot and "only" 47 of them were Hungarian judges of whom many were specialists in Hungarian breeds. Again, it is hard to tell how many of the scheduled judges had canceled at the last moment and had to be replaced. A look on the list reveals that there was a lot of variety and the regular judges of big events were officiating not every day again. That is a good thing because exhibitors don't like to see always the very same judges all over again. This does not mean anything about their quality of course, but for events like this exhibitors like to see more specialists. Sure, as events like this coincide usually with FCI meetings that presidents of Kennel Clubs need to attend and as many of them often use to be allround-judges, it is cheaper to plan those judges also for the show, but it is very important that this does not turn into a fixed carrousel. I would say, use them moderately, because an allrounder's vision can be more valuable than the vision of a "breed-blind" specialist judge. I noticed too that only a few judges had more than 100 dogs to judge, none of the judges were overloaded. Breeds with big entries were spread nicely over different judges. Here is a small overview of the most popular breeds on the show. On day 1 we could enjoy 196 French Bulldogs, 128 Boston terriers, 130 Chihuahuas, 146 Whippets, 101 Weimaraners, 122 Beagles, 109 Dalmatians, and 69 Basset Hounds. On day 2 we had 167 Dobermanns, 108 Dogo Argentinos, 128 Great Danes, 210 Cane Corso, 130 Bernese Mountain Dogs, and 92 Central Asian Shepherd dogs. In group V we found 150 Huskies, 91 Samojeds, 77 Chow Chows and 160 Pomeranians. In Group VIII 228 Golden Retrievers, 166 Labradors, and 128 English Cockers took the crown. And on day 3 in Group I, 129 Border Collies, 92 Rough Collies, 133 Welsh Corgie Pembrokes, and 102 Aussies were shown, 100 Jack Russells and 217 American Staffordshire Terriers in Group III and 156 Standard, 170 Miniature and 99 Kaninchen Dachshunds representing Group IV.
Mr. Korozs Andras, president of the Hungarian Kennel Club, was the judge with the supreme honor to pick the Best In Show. 4 Dogs out of the 10 Groups winners had to be placed. I still wonder why we cling so strongly to that strange habit in the FCI Dog Show World to have 4 places? I do not know of any other competition where 4 winners are placed, it is always 3 or 2. Best in Show went to the Bearded Collie from France "Ovation de Chester", a 3-year-old bitch, owned Garcia Audrey and bred by Thierry Bernardi. She was judged by Mrs. Barbara Müller from Switzerland and won the group under Mr. Péter Harsánvi from Hungary who replaced Mrs. Anna Albrigo from Italy for this task. 44 In total were entered.
Res BIS went surprisingly to the Miniature Smooth Haired Dachshund "Minidogland Take After Sun", a Russian entry by Churakova Daria. This bitch was 6 years old and entered in Champion Class. The breed was judged by German judge Mr.Istvan Csik who had made his choice out of 73 entries. Mr.Cesare Calcinati from Italy was the one who chose her to compete in the finals. "Monaline Unit" was again a bitch, 3 years old and owned by Vladimir Pijunovic-Lea Bartos from Croatia. Mr. Csaba Denk from Hungary had 17 to judge. Mrs.Helen Tonkson from Estonia was the Group judge. On place 4 we found a surprise, a Fila Brasileiro, a gentle and happy one, marvelously presented by his handler. 30 Were entered to be judged by Mr. Christian Stefanescu from Roumania. "Pontos V Do Rincao Violento" was the name of this 5 year old male owned by Giulia Manzoni from Italy. Mr.Stefanescu was also the judge who chose him as the winner of Group II.
All circumstances taken into account, it was a very good show. A courageous and risky decision was made; would the weather be OK, would Covid/Omnicron be a bummer, would exhibitors want to come right before New Year's Eve, all questions and unpredictable answers. But it was OK, it was even good, and the Hungarian Kennel Club deserved it! The New Year's Eve party after the show was not planned in the Expo halls and it seemed to be great as I heard afterward, but for more details about that, you need to ask the attendees. I was glad to leave the next day to meet my family.
Text and photos: Karl DONVIL
Junior Group VI Judge: Harri Lehkonen- Finland
1. Quantas-Napoca Opium PHOTO NUMBER KDZ3389, PHOTO NUMBER 75D7875
Basset Hound
owned by Pop Alexandru Raul -Romania
2. Puntinato Ballante Tic Tac Terror
owned by Stefaan Van Den Elsen -Belgium
3. Legoland Dream Team With Black Majesty
Petit Basset Griffon Vendeen
owned by Tatiana Zadarenko -Russia
4. Angyali Annie Olivia `Q`
owned by Barta Albert -Hungary
Junior Group VII Judge Miguel Angel Martinez -Argentina
1. Quiksilvr Infinity Rush To The Grey Stardust PHOTO NUMBER KDZ3438,
Weimaraner Short-Haired
owned by Josee Sales -Netherlands
2. Gyurkovari Dalias
Hungarian Short-Haired Pointer
owned by Varga Laszlo -Hungary
3. Wonder Woman From Crawford Land Voros
Red Irish Setter
owned by Stajer Eva -Hungary
4. Clos Erasmus De Vil Cruella
English Setter
owned by Nina Lazareva -Russia
Junior Group IX Judge Tiina Taulos - Finland
1. Bly Ais Perfecto PHOTO NUMBER KDZ3469, PHOTO NUMBER 75D8161
Toy Poodle Fawn
owned by Skorodumova Olga -Russia
2. Whitemantra Ivory White Thulip
Bichon a poil frise
owned by Ingrida Gierkena -Latvia
3. Rus Kartel O Da Ya Tink I`m Sexy
owned by Olga Viola -Russia
4. Santa Barbara Dell`alberico
Lhasa Apso
owned by Stefano Paolantoni -Italy
Junior Group X Judge Juhász Csilla - Hungaria
1. Illa-Berek Eben PHOTO NUMBER KDZ3524, PHOTO NUMBER 75D8337
Hungarian Greyhound
owned by Kiss Adam -Hungary
2. Dahmrak`s Tia Teleki
Irish Wolfhound
owned by Teleki Zoard -Hungary
3. Sobers Fayenne
owned by Bitte Ahrens -Italy
4. Sobers Gwynith
owned by Giulia Rizzetto -Italy
Group VI Judge Ramune Kazlauskaite -Lithuania
1. Miracle Mary Van Grunsven PHOTO NUMBER KDZ3413, PHOTO NUMBER 75D7948,
Basset Hound
owned by Francesca Ghezzi from Italy
2. Ridge`s Star Halvard PHOTO NUMBER KDZ3453, PHOTO NUMBER 75D7925
Rhodesian Ridgeback
owned by Gutor Evgeniia from Russia
3. California Poppy PHOTO NUMBER KDZ3419, PHOTO NUMBER 75D7971
owned by Lovas Ferenc from Hungary
4. Jasmine Nova Espera PHOTO NUMBER KDZ3426, PHOTO NUMBER 75D7962
owned by Ewa Pilich from Poland
Group VII Judge Rui Oliveira -Portugal
1. Pawprint Honeybeast PHOTO NUMBER KDZ3453, PHOTO NUMBER 75D0386,
English Pointer
owned by Dr. Pataki Julia from Hungary
2. Fab Point Alto Douro Fortuna PHOTO NUMBER KDZ3458, PHOTO NUMBER 75D8077
Portuguese Pointing Dog
owned by Vita Jurgone from Latvia
3. Avaline Talisman Nemet PHOTO NUMBER KDZ3464, PHOTO NUMBER 75D8067
German Short-haired Pointing
owned by Dog Zlatko Jojkic from Serbia
4. Mila Grandset Michelangelo David PHOTO NUMBER KDZ3465, PHOTO NUMBER 75D8102
Gordon Setter
owned by Lyudmila Porotikova from Russia
Group IX Judge Ilara Biondi di Ciabatti -Peru
1. Shen De Lux Hummer PHOTO NUMBER KDZ3497, PHOTO NUMBER 75D8289,
Shi Tzu
owned by Ludmila Sautina from Russia
2. Cinecitta Victor Arnold PHOTO NUMBER KDZ3504, PHOTO NUMBER 75D8250
owned by Franco Prosperi from Italy
3. Love Me S Tsvetochnoi PHOTO NUMBER KDZ3509, PHOTO NUMBER 75D8325
Toy Poodle Black
owned by Olga Arkhipova from Russia
4. Planet Waves Forever Young Daydream Believers PHOTO NUMBER KDZ3517,
Papillon-Continental Toy Spaniel
owned by Kathleen Roosens from Belgium
Group X Judge Barbara Müller - Zwitserland
1. Sarabi Della Bassa Pavese PHOTO NUMBER KDZ3544, PHOTO NUMBER 75D0396,
Irish Wolfhound
owned by Salamon Ludovica from Italy
2. Illa-berek Dafke PHOTO NUMBER KDZ3547, PHOTO NUMBER 75D8499
Hungarian Greyhound
owned by Jakkel Ferencne from Hungary
3. Elamir Gypsy Power PHOTO NUMBER KDZ3556, PHOTO NUMBER 75D8449
owned by Nicklas Eriksson from Sweden
4. Mansur Ebn Jaysito Von Haussman PHOTO NUMBER KDZ3561; PHOTO NUMBER 75D8430
Afghan Hound
owned by Elisabet Leven och Sven Westerbolad from Sweden
Junior Group II Judge Niksa Lemo - Hungaria
1. Baya Kozep PHOTO NUMBER KDZ3807, PHOTO NUMBER 75D8891
Central Asia Shepherd Dog
owned by Dobre Cristian -Romania
2. Annabell Soul It`s My Life
Miniature Pinscher
owned by Druzhkina Valeriia -Russia
3. Kiwi Sangue Magnifica
Cane Corso
owned by Kristina Subasic -Serbia
4. Pequawket Antu Makto
Dogo Argentino
owned by Viragne Szikszai Katalin -Hungary
Junior Group V Judge Guido Schäfer - Germany
1. Cabaka`s New Fame PHOTO NUMBER KDZ3843, PHOTO NUMBER 75D8988
owned by Gitte Morell -Denmark
2. Shiomaru All About You
owned by Ionescu Augustin -Romania
3. Of Poms Forever Typhon
owned by Claudio Masi -Italy
4. Nellirel Heops
Thai Ridgeback
owned by Sebrova Irina Aleksandrovna -Russia
Junior Group VIII Judge Laurent Pichard - Switzerland
1. Sieger`s A Beautiful Mind PHOTO NUMBER KDZ3878, PHOTO NUMBER 75D9182
English Springer Spaniel
Vibe Borragard Madsen -Denmark
2. Solipse Mio Tesoro
Lagotto Romagnolo
owned by Jana Kadnarova -Slovakia
3. Winter Pride Egermejster
Labrador Retriever
owned by Maciej Sowinski -Hungary
4. Galaksi Pure Freaking Magic
American Cocker Spaniel
owned by Michael Kristensen -Denmark
Group II Judge Mr.Cristian Stefanescu - Romania
1. Pontos V Do Rincao Violento PHOTO NUMBER KDZ3821, PHOTO NUMBER 75D0367,
Fila Brasileiro
owned by Giulia Manzoni -Italy
2. Echo Dechien Escuda Pour Garcon PHOTO NUMBER KDZ3825, PHOTO NUMBER 75D8979
Pyrenean Mountain Dog
owned by Susanna Virtanen -Croatia
3. Alcano De Santa Isabel PHOTO NUMBER KDZ3829, PHOTO NUMBER 75D8917
Dogo Argentino
owned by Duilio Dante Romero -Spain
4. Invidia Dios Mistero Di Amore PHOTO NUMBER KDZ3835, PHOTO NUMBER 75D8909
Schnauzer Pepper and Salt
owned by Ekaterina Demenko -Russia
Group V Judge Tamás Jakkel - Hungaria
1. Kristari's Mischief At Winter Melody PHOTO NUMBER KDZ3859, PHOTO NUMBER 75D0379,
Siberian Husky
owned by Ewa Gorska -Poland
2. Samspring Carry On My Secret With Joy PHOTO NUMBER KDZ3860,
owned by Pedro Miguel Da Silva Brito -Portugal
3. Amber Yule Naruhito PHOTO NUMBER KDZ3870, PHOTO NUMBER 75D9097
owned by Kristine Neimane -Latvia
4. Of Poms Forever Typhon PHOTO NUMBER KDZ3873, PHOTO NUMBER 75D9111
owned by Claudio Masi -Italy
Group VIII Judge Czeglédi Attila - Hungaria
1. Bravo Messi PHOTO NUMBER KDZ3897, PHOTO NUMBER 75D0390,
Labrador Retriever
owned by Meier Philippe -Netherlands
2. Timanka`s Expensive Money PHOTO NUMBER KDZ3901, PHOTO NUMBER 75D9304
English Springer Spaniel
owned by Vibe Borragard Madsen -Denmark
3. Galaksi All Rights Reserved PHOTO NUMBER KDZ3905, PHOTO NUMBER 75D9316
American Cocker Spaniel
owned by Michael Kristensen-Denmark
4. Lozung Absolute Legend Fernflower PHOTO NUMBER KDZ3910, PHOTO NUMBER 75D9263
Golden Retriever
owned by Mironova Ekaterina Oroszorszag-Russia
Junior Group I Judge Anna Albrigo - Italy
1. Spartacus Of Reality Dream PHOTO NUMBER KDZ4522, PHOTO NUMBER 75D9871
owned by Christophe Gaillot Franciaorszag-France
2. Farmarens Haute Couture
Bearded Collie
owned by Charlott Sandberg -Sweden
3. Slavjanka Enriko Koveri
owned by Ivanov Aleksei -Russia
4. Diamondfox Enchanted Finite
Collie Smooth
owned by Birgit Olstad Bratlistuen -Norway
Junior Group III Judge Lokodi Csaba Zsolt - Romania
1. L`end Show Martin Maison Margiela PHOTO NUMBER KDZ4568
Bedlington Terrier
owned by Elena Pykhtar -Russia
2. Agria Zarina
Fox Terrier smooth
owned by Korozs Balint -Hungary
3. Maison Vannbert Storm For Norrstar
American Staffordshire Terrier
owned by Ispas Ion -Romania
4. Hjohoo’S It’S All About Hjo
Cairn Terrier
owned by Palaghie-jors Alexandra -Romania
Junior Group IV Judge Cesare Calcinati - Italy
1. Daks-Veg-As Eddy King PHOTO NUMBER KDZ4609, PHOTO NUMBER 75D0175
Dachshund Miniature Long-haired
owned by Puzikova Olga -Russia
2. Almarxils Jijona La Turronera
Kaninchen Dachsund Wire-haired
owned by Noel Garrigos Mateo -Spain
3. Elite Girl Vom Gildehauser Venn Fci
Dachshund Standard Smooth haired
owned by Mariann Voight-Kmetyko -Germany
4. Mini Golf Emma
Kaninchen Dachsund Smooth-haired
owned by Farkas Szabolcs -Hungary
Group I Judge Harsáni Péter - Hungaria
1. Ovation De Chester PHOTO NUMBER KDZ4548, PHOTO NUMBER 75D0355,
Bearded Collie
owned by Garcia Audrey -France
2. Bottom Shaker The Greatest Picture PHOTO NUMBER KDZ4551, PHOTO NUMBER 75D9941
owned by Koroknai Jozsef -Hungary
3. Blitseinshlag Yars PHOTO NUMBER KDZ4554, PHOTO NUMBER 75D9910
German Shepherd Long and Harsh Outer Coat
owned by Shepeleva Iuliia -Russia
4. Mecseki Bundas Aranyos PHOTO NUMBER KDZ4560, PHOTO NUMBER 75D9971
owned by Jakab Szilard -Hungary
Group III Judge Helen Tonkson - Estland
1. Monaline Unit PHOTO NUMBER KDZ4588, PHOTO NUMBER 75D0078,
Welsh Terrier
owned by Vladimir Pijunovic-Lea Bartos -Croatia
2. L`end Show Metti Surprise At Glare PHOTO NUMBER KDZ4589, PHOTO NUMBER 75D0127
Bedlington Terrier
owned by Elena Pykhtar -Russia
3. Ars Viva Tramontana PHOTO NUMBER KDZ4597, PHOTO NUMBER 75D0092
Lakeland Terrier
owned by Olga Aleksashina -Russia
4. Rollick`s Arc`teryx For Avalanche PHOTO NUMBER KDZ4601, PHOTO NUMBER 75D0064
Kerry Blue Terrier
owned by Pecherkin Andrey -Russia
Group IV Judge Jan Busta -Czech Republic
1. Minidogland Take After Sun PHOTO NUMBER KDZ4626, PHOTO NUMBER 75D0324;
Dachshund Miniature Smooth haired
owned by Churakova Daria -Russia
2. Lux Del Palatino Chacco Blue PHOTO NUMBER KDZ4628, PHOTO NUMBER 75D0337
Dachshund Miniature Wire haired
owned by Meier Philippe -Netherlands
3. Toklarama`s Quo Vadis PHOTO NUMBER KDZ4638, PHOTO NUMBER 75D0293
Dachsund Miniature Long haired
owned by Klara Miketova -Czech Republik
4. Treis Pinheiros Eyesonl Yforyou PHOTO NUMBER KDZ4640, PHOTO NUMBER 75D0252
Dachshund Standard Wire haired
owned by Ivan Duc Ducly -Italy
JUNIOR BEST IN SHOW Judge Kari Järvinen - Finland
1. Bly Ais Perfecto PHOTO NUMBER KDZ4717
Toy Poodle Fawn
owned by Skorodumova Olga -Russia
2. Cabaka`s New Fame
owned by Gitte Morell -Denmark
3. L`end Show Martin Maison Margiela
Bedlington Terrier
owned by Elena Pykhtar -Russia
BEST IN SHOW Judge Korózs András - Hungaria PHOTO NUMBER KDZ4767
1. Ovation De Chester
Bearded Collie ,
owned by Garcia Audrey -France
2. Minidogland Take After Sun PHOTO NUMBER KDZ4743, PHOTO NUMBER 75D0373
Dachshund Miniature Smooth haired
owned by Churakova Daria -Russian Federation
3. Monaline Unit PHOTO NUMBER KDZ4747, PHOTO NUMBER 75D0372
Welsh Terrier
owned by Vladimir Pijunovic-Lea Bartos -Croatia
4. Pontos V Do Rincao Violento PHOTO NUMBER KDZ4760, PHOTO NUMBER 75D0367
Fila Brasileiro
owned by Giulia Manzoni -Italy