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nouvelles - 12/09/2010
GROOMANIA 2010  -  Belgique

chien éleveurs chiens photos par Karl Donvil
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Groomania 2010 was held in the Halls of Kortrijk and was internationally well attended.

No less than 18 groomers gave seminars going from the typical groomed breeds like the poodles and Bichon Frisées to breeds like the rough coated Viszla, Portugese Waterdogs, Bouviers des Flandres and others.

Besides that debates were held on how to handle difficult clients, increase income, etc. Interesting too was a seminar on relaxation therapy for dogs. But most important of all was the competition with participants from Finland, Sweden, United Kingdom and many other European countries. The Jury was also internationally composed and was presided by Mr.Lehman Umberto from Italy. Many awards were given, included the Richard Barker Trophy and of course the sponsors had lots of nice presents for the winners. Groomania is a competition under supervision of the E.G.A. of the European Grooming Association.


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